Don't Deny It - Defy It | The Crystal Gems Say Be Anti-Racist | Cartoon Network


Cartoon Network’s creative PSA approach to addressing discrimination for kids.

Yesterday I was African, today I am lost


Takunda Muzondiwa illustrates, with a powerful speech, the struggle to remain connected to one’s roots while simultaneously assimilating to another.

Racism’s Effect on Health


The anticipation of encountering racism can have detrimental health effects. Margaret Hicken discusses the daily pressure amongst people of color to avoid discrimination and prejudice and the cost it can have on their health.

Systemic Racism - Incarceration


In this 8-part video series, Race Forward address how racism plays a role in our institutions. This video focuses on incarceration.

Systemic Racism - Government Surveillance


In this 8-part video series, Race Forward address how racism plays a role in our institutions. This video focuses on the discriminatory practices within government surveillance.

Systemic Racism - Housing Discrimination


In this 8-part video series, Race Forward address how racism plays a role in our institutions. This video focuses on housing discrimination and the implications it has on most parts of one’s life.

Systemic Racism - Employment


In this 8-part video series, Race Forward address how racism plays a role in our institutions. This video focuses on the racial differences in employment.

Systemic Racism - Wealth Gap


In this 8-part video series, Race Forward address how racism plays a role in our institutions. This video focuses on the racial wealth gap.

Give Nothing To Racism


Racism survives often through small everyday microaggressions and tolerance of these incidents. This parody of a public service announcement serves to address the way we can all help to “keep racism alive”.

Non-Racism vs. Anti-Racism


Most of us are non-racist. While that leaves us with a clear conscience, Marion James argues it does nothing to help fight injustice in the world. 

Slavery to Mass Incarseration


The myth of racial difference created to sustain American slavery persists today. Slavery did not end in 1865, it evolved.

The Myth of Race


You may think you know exactly what race you are, but how would you prove it if someone disagreed with you? Jenée Desmond Harris explains how race is a social construct. 

Black Women


BuzzFeed presents a short piece on Black Women in America with a focus on how their genuine emotions have been displayed as misplaced and unnecessary rage in the media. 

Documentary: 13TH

The title of Ava DuVernay's documentary, 13TH, refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The film chronicles the history of racial inequality in the U.S. and traces the history of racism in the U.S. and how fear and division facilitate systems such as mass criminalization and incarceration. Available on NetFlix.    

Standards of Beauty 


BuzzFeed presents a short piece on Euro-centric standards of beauty in both the United States and abroad the effect it has on people with darker skin. 

Radical Self Love

National award-winning slam poet Caira Lee speaks to a rapt audience on the power of absolute self-love. Through a beautiful illustration of her own journey through life, Lee demonstrates that your body, size, race, sexual orientation are assets that don’t need fixing, but are characteristics that one should embrace.


Selling Lemonade While Black

A black man who is owner of a high-end lemonade stand in San Francisco said he had the police called on him when he was opening his own business.

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